About Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a normal self soothing action for some babies that makes them feel safe and secure. However thumb sucking can eventually develop in to a habit when they are in need of self soothing or going to sleep and can lead to problems such as malocclusion aka: imperfect positioning of the teeth. A thumb sucking habit should be broken after the age of 2.

Our product, Thumb Thumb NO THUMB! is a Dentist approved, homeopathic deterrent gel made from natural ingredients that provides a friendly reminder to your child age 2+ every time he/she sucks their thumb. The product is not intended to punish your child with something overly harsh or repulsive, instead it is formulated to discourage thumb sucking and help break the habit.

As a parent it is important to help teach your child to stop sucking their thumb. Breaking any habit is a process and takes time and support.  Our formula combined with positive support by talking with your child is the best way to help your child break his or her habit.   

When is Thumb Sucking Harmful?

The thumb sucking habit can begin to harm children anytime after the age of 2. The suction strength, combined with a child’s dentures can in some instances cause permanent damage to the gums, teeth, jaw, thumb and fingers nails of children.  

How is Thumb Sucking Harmful?


The most common issue stemming from prolonged thumb sucking and finger sucking is known as malocclusion.  Malocclusion results in causing the teeth to become improperly aligned, pushed outward, or even pulled back. The longer thumb sucking continues, the more likely it is that orthodontic treatment will be needed.

Speech Problems

Speech problems can be caused by thumb sucking and finger sucking can include not being able to say Ts and Ds, lisping, and thrusting out the tongue when talking.

Damage to the Thumb/Fingers

Repetitive sucking and enzymes from saliva can break down the skin and keratin cells found in healthy nails and fingertips.  This could cause harmful and painful sores for your child. 

Recommendations to Help Your Child Break the Habit:

Use Positive Reinforcement

Give your child positive praise or provide small rewards — such as an extra bedtime story if he or she isn't thumb sucking. Set attainable goals, such as no thumb or finger sucking an hour before bed. Give them a star sticker on days when your child successfully avoids thumb sucking.

Identify Triggers

If your child sucks his or her thumb in response to stress or anxiety, identify the cause and provide comfort and positive support.  Talk with your child, comfort them with a loving hug and reassuring words. Talking to your child and being supportive is always best.  

Reassuring Reminders

If your child sucks his or her thumb as a reflex without thinking about what he/she is doing, gently remind him or her to stop. Never criticize, scold, punish ridicule or threaten your child.  When using our formula, never use it as a punishment but rather as a reminder to help your child stop thumb sucking and finger sucking.